- Reality & Consciousness

Reality & Consciousness

Reality & Consciousness

[Colorized engraving found in the book "The Atmosphere: Popular Meteorology"
published by French astronomer Camille Flammarion (1888)]

(magnification best at 80%)

Walther Nernst, Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Robert Millikan, and Max von Laue in Berlin, 1931

“The idea of an objective real world whose smallest parts exist
objectively in the same sense as stones or trees exist, independently of
whether or not we observe them…is impossible.” Werner Heisenberg

"Before there were space and time, there was empty, formless stillness. The vacuum seethed
with ghost virtual particles coming into being in conjugate pairs of matter and anti-matter."

"Spacetime is but a large-scale manifestation of some more fundamental entity."

"Space and Time can be born and thus can die.1"

From: Barrow, John D.; Pi In The Sky