One purpose of this digest is to present a broad, complex picture of what's going on in the world. Alternative sources of news and information, organizations, communities, and groups of mutual interest, involved in the economic, social, cultural, and political aspects of the global condition, when brought together, may reveal connections not previously perceived. Which, in turn, may change the way we see, not only others, but ourselves, possibly causing us to act differently, to recognize the interconnectedness, and interdependence, of the many different worlds occupying the same planet, trying to be one world.
But first there must be the imagining, the imagining of daily life in another part of the world. What do the people there do, go through, deal with on a day-to-day basis? What is being done about problems, conflicts, instabilities, tectonic social and political forces? How much better do they have it, or how much worse?
Activism and global responsibility, information sources outside the purview of corporate- and state-controlled 'mainstream' media filters, human rights and individual freedom, environmental and human health, conflict and cooperation,...
"If we'd been born where they were born
and taught what they were taught,
we would believe what they believe."