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- [gr-qc-9711056] Time, Gauge, and the Superposition Principle in Quantum Gravity.url
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- [quant-ph-0206090] Some Reflections on the Status of Conventional Quantum Theory when Applied to Quantum Gravity.url
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- Basic concepts of quantum mechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.url
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- Quantum decoherence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.url
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- Quantum Gravity (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).url
- Quantum gravity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.url
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- Science and Space Facts, Science and Space, Human Body, Health, Earth, Human Disease - National Geographic.url
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- Spacetime - Einstein's Relativity, Space, Time, Quantum Gravity, Quantum Physics, and the Existence of Time.url
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- Three roads to quantum gravity - Google Books.url
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- A geography of dust storms in South-West Asia - Middleton - 2007 - International Journal of Climatology - Wiley Online Library.url
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